Not that anyone really wants to hear about the wedding updates, but we've been making some progress - A TON of it. When this engagement was in its infancy, it felt like the wedding was too far away to even touch. I feel like every time I cross of a large item, ten tiny random tasks are added to the list. It's annoying, and definitely tough to keep track of.
These are some major items deleted from THE (dreaded) LIST
- Save the dates are sent, and I only had two returned ( far)
- Rough draft ceremony schedule is complete
- Wedding invite stationary has been ordered
- Bridesmaids have ordered dresses
- Table runner material has been bought
- Counseling has been scheduled
- DJ has been selected
- Hotels are booked
To add to the feeling of relief that comes with items being deleted left and right, I'm overwhelmed by the flood of volunteers who have been willing to help with the wedding. Josh and I are extremely blessed to be part of such a loving family and network of friends:
- ushers have been decided (Jonny boy, Matt, and Mark)
- Sara G., Megan, and G.G. have agreed to help wrangle the little guys
- Bekah is graciously lending us her talents as a mini photographer
- Mike consented to man the sound booth at the ceremony
- Syna is making a belt for Ella's dress
- Andrea and Shelly are acting as my coordinators for the entire event
- Andrea (AGAIN! (I know, right?)) is making our cake and arranging flowers
- Jaclyn is letting me borrow her veil (um... wow)
- Aunt Barbara is passing on her tablecloths for the reception
- Josh's Aunt Sherry of Best Darn Kettle Corn (um, it really is.... have you tried it?) is generously doing FAVORS!
- G.G. is quilting the ring pillow
- Russ will be crafting the arch :)
Needless to say, it's been an answer to prayer that things seem to be falling into place.
Here are some other lovely ideas soon to be implemented:

It's getting easier, right?